Essentials Of Forest Sciences

Essentials Of Forest Sciences

by M.P. Singh Et. Al.
  • ISBN: 8189304305
  • Binding: Hardbound
  • Year: 2007
  • Language: ENGLISH
PRICE:  US $ 70.00
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Outstanding work has been done in forestry research in India in the past now a history of more than a century. Many informations on the development of research analysis in Forest sciences are scattered into the literature and number of methods are available for research analysis of plants, water and soils. But, the analyst is confronted by some problems. The first problem is, to select a procedure, which will properly evaluate the related parameter. The second problem is, to discover appropriate contents, which are present in the experimental samples one is attempting to analyse. The third problem is, to find the most specific methods, appropriate to the required analysis.This manual will serve to further the cause of Forestry in general and Forestry Research in particular.

Dr. M.P. Singh, FMA, Head of the Deptt. Forest Sciences, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi-834006 (Jharkhand).                                                                                                                                                                                           

Dr. J.L. Srivastava, IFS, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Retd.), Government of Jharkhand, Ranchi-834002.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

 Dr. R.B. Sah, Ph.D., Department of Silviculture, Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi-834006.         

  • Studies of Forest Products
  • A Technique for Nutrient Cycling
  • Technique for Nutrient Requirments of Forest Specis
  • Technique Used in Chemical Analysis of Wood
  • Estimation of the Finding of Agro Forestry Research
  • Technique Used in Social Forestry Research
  • Technique Used in Nursery Development
  • Technique Used in Forest Seed Production
  • Technique Used in Bamboo Propagation
  • Restoration Eco-Methodology
  • Technique Used in Plant Analysis
  • Technique Used in Water Analysis
  • Technique Used For Study of Ecological and Vegetational Analysis
  • Glossary