The book is a practical technical guide for students and researchers engaged in biodiversity conservation programme. It has been interceded to provide emphasis on the detailed practical methods along with theoretical information and to serve as a ready reference source for students, research workers engaged in biodiversity conservation.
Dr. Veena Gupta, Principal Scientist, at NBPGR, New Delhi, has research experience of over 20 years in the field of Biodiversity conservation through seed Gene Banks. She has obtained her Ph.D. from University of Delhi for “Ultra structural and Histochemical changes during pollinia Development in Orchidaceae and Asclepiadaceae” in 1986. She has contributed to the development of Standard Seed Germination and Dormancy breaking protocols in wild Medicinal and Aromatic Plant species. She has authored 79 research articles. She is the Life Member of various scientific societies and is fellow of Indian Society of Seed Technology and Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources. She is the President of ‘Shakti’ - society for Women Scientists and Technocrates under Swadeshi Science Movement of Delhi, Vigyan Bharati. She has visited various US Agriculture Departments viz. Resolution Dynamics Inc. Washington, Beltsville Agricultural Research Council, Beltsville, Maryland, National Seed Storage Laboratory, Fortcollins, Colorado, North Central Plant Introduction Station, Ames Iowa, Western Regional Plant Introduction Station, Pullman, Washington, National Germplasm Repository Corvallis, Oregon State, US Drypea Lentil Council, Pullman, US National Arboretum, Mt. Colombo, Longwood Gardens, Philadelphia under the Indo-USAID programme. She is also on the faculty of Post graduate School of Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi and teaching PGR Courses on Principles and Methods of germplasm conservation (PGR-103) and Ecology and Biodiversity (PGR -207).