Legumes Their Production Imrovment And Protection

Legumes Their Production Imrovment And Protection

by M. Prakash, S. Murugan
  • ISBN: 8189304704
  • Binding: Hardbound
  • Year: 2009
  • Language: ENGLISH
PRICE:  US $ 90.00
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Legumes are a large, diverse family ranging from herbaceous annuals to woody perennials that, because of their capacity to fix nitrogen, are essential components in natural and managed terrestrial ecosystems. Legumes have been domesticated for the production of food, feed, forage, fiber, industrial and medicinal compounds, flowers, and other end uses. The book covers a wide-ranging survey of all the major legumes from their evolution to their potential for further development and improvement as economically important food crops. The contents of the book have been divided into five themes viz., Crop Improvement, Crop Production, Physiological Bio-Chemical and Bio-Technological advances, Crop Protection and Policies and Programmes. It covers the changes that have occurred in the course of plant domestication leading to our present pulse crops and oilseed legume crops. It also includes reviews on the benefits to be gained from evaluation and improvement of grain legume genetic resources. This book will serve as a suitable study and reference material for postgraduate students and researchers.

Professor M. Prakash, born in 1966, obtained degrees of B.Sc.(Ag.) and M.Sc.(Ag.) from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India in 1988 and 1990 respectively. He obtained his Ph.D. (Agricultural Botany) from Annamalai University, India in 1997. He teaches Genetics and Crop Physiology to both the under graduate and post graduate students at the Annamalai University from 1992. He also guides Ph.D and M.Sc.(Ag.) students in research.

Professor Prakash’s major area of interest is abiotic stress tolerance and heterosis breeding. He has published more than 58 research papers in referred journals and participated in several National and International conferences. He has organized three National seminars and one National scientific workshop. He has completed three research projects and now operating a DST sponsored Major Research Project and serving as Coordinator for UGC-SAP-DRS-PHASE-I programme in Department of Agricultural Botany.

Professor S. Murugan, born in 1966, obtained degrees of B.Sc.(Ag.) and M.Sc.(Ag.) from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, India in 1987 and 1989 respectively. He obtained his Ph.D. (Agricultural Botany) from Annamalai University, India in 1998. He teaches Plant Breeding, Genetics and Plant biotechnology to the under graduate and post graduate students at the Annamalai University from 1993. He also guides post graduate students of M.Sc.(Ag.) Plant Breeding and Genetics in research.

Professor Murugan’s major area of interest is breeding for stress tolerance in rice and diversification of cytoplasmic male sterility in rice hybrids. The author has also worked in chickpea cytogenetics and Mitochondrial DNA in sorghum male steilie lines at Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi and Tamil Nadu Agricultural University respectively. He has published more than 25 research papers in referred journals and participated in several National and three international conferences. He has organized a National seminar and one National scientific workshop. He is currently serving as Dy. Coordinator for UGC-SAP-DRS-PHASE-I programme in Department of Agricultural Botany.

  • SECTION - I Crop Improvement
  • Scenario of Legumes in India
  • Crop Improvement Strategies in Pulses Improvement
  • Transgenic Approach for Pulses Improvement
  • Genetic Analysis for Physiological Traits in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek)
  • Enhancement of Gamma Rays Mutagenicity by Ethidium Bromide and Ethyl Methane Sulphonate in Cowpea
  • VRI (Gn) 6 New High Yielding Spanish Bunch Groundnut
  • Heterosis for Yield and Yield Components in Greengram (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek)
  • Combining Ability and Heterosis for Yield and Yield Component Characters in Greengram (Vigna Radiata (L.) Wilczek.)
  • Interspecific Hybridization in Vigna Species
  • Genetic Analysis for Yield Attributes in Vegetable Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp.)
  • Future of Pulse Breeding in the Post PPV and FRA, 2001 Era
  • Wide Hybridization in Vigna species
  • Association and Path Analysis for Earliness Breeding in Cow Pea (Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp).
  • Spectrum of Induced Chlorophyll Mutations in Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp.)
  • SECTION - II Crop Production
  • Pulse Production Technology
  • Legumes in Sustainable Cotton Farming
  • Effect of Grain Cowpea Inter Cropping in Castor
  • The Response of Seed Enhancement Techniques to Mid Storage Correction in Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea (L.)) Cv Vri 2 Kernels
  • Pattern of Pea Seed (Pisum sativum (L.)) Deterioration
  • Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on the Performance of Dolichos Lablab Var. Typicus in Lignite Mine Spoil
  • Chemical Impregnation Treatment for Greengram (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek.)
  • Influence of Mother Crop Nutrition on Seed Yield and Quality of Blackgram (Vigna ungiculata (L.))
  • Studies on the Production Potentiality of Blackgram Varieties Under Rice Fallow Condition
  • Effect of Different Levels of Phosphorus and Potassium on Growth, Flowering and Yield of Vegetable Cowpea Cv Tux. 944
  • SECTION - III Physiological Bio-Chemical and Bio-Technological Advances
  • Studies on the Management of Differentially Aged Seed and their Progenies in Cowpea (Vigna sinensis (L.) Savi) Cv.Co 6 by Foliar Spray of Nutrients and Hormones
  • Studies on the Effective Role of Biofertilizers on the Germination, Growth and Yield of Greengram (Vigna Radiata (L.))
  • Physiological Aspects of Grain Yield in Soybean
  • Physiological Constraints in Productivity of Grain Legumes
  • Studies on the Effect of 28 - Homobrassi-nolide on Biochemical Parameters and Yield of Groundnut Cv. Vri 2.
  • Groundnut Research on Drought Tolerance or Wue at NRCG: From Breeding to Farmer’s Field
  • Field Screening of Greengram (Vigna radiata (l.) Wilczek) Genotypes to Drought Tolerance
  • Screening of Guar Genotypes for Drought Tolerance Traits Under Simulated Moisture Stress Conditions
  • Effect of Bio-Regulators on the Yield of Greengram
  • A Step-wise Protocol for Standardization of In Vitro Pollen Germination Medium for Pigeonpea and Its Wild Species
  • SECTION - IV Crop Protection
  • Effect of Age of Plants and Standardisation of Inoculum Level of Macrophomina phaseolina Causing Root Rot of Blackgram
  • Field Screening of Cowpea Accessions for Resistance Against Selected Insect Pests
  • Study on Efficacy of Neem Based Products Against Pulse Beetle During Storage of Mung Bean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) Seeds
  • Management of Root Rot of Vigna mungo (L.) Using Biocontrol Agents Multiplied in Vermicompost
  • SECTION - V Policies and Programmes
  • Legume Sector in India: An Analysis of Issues, Potentials and Strategies
  • Recent Trends in Pulses in Tamil Nadu An Overview
  • Problems Faced by Women Agricultural Labourers in Groundnut Farming Operations