Soils And Crops Diagnostic Techniques

Soils And Crops Diagnostic Techniques

by Kitchen, H B
  • ISBN: 8190228900
  • Binding: Hardbound
  • Year: 2004
  • Language: ENGLISH
PRICE:  US $ 90.00
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During recent decades of research by a large group of agricultural scientists working in the diagnostic field, many new methods have been devised to aid farmers in fertilizing their crops more effectively. A major objective of this book is to this book is to bring together in one volume a comprehensive discussion of both the underlying theory and the practical application of these various techniques. To attain that objective, the services of a group of distinguished Scientists were enlisted to prepare the various chapters. These scientists are outstanding in their respective spheres of work, both as to theory and as to theory and as to practice. The results of their totally unselfish cooperation in this enterprise are manifest in the several chapters that comprise this book.

  • Historical Introduction
  • Chemical Methods for Assessing Soil Fertility
  • Correlation of soil tests with crop response to added fertilizers and with fertilizer requirement
  • Operation of a state soil-testing service laboratory
  • Operation of an Industrial Service Laboratory for analyzing Soil and Plant Samples
  • Plant-tissue tests as a tool in agronomic research.
  • Plant analysis-methods and interpretation of results.
  • Biological methods of determining nutrients in soils.
  • Visual Symptoms of Malnutrition in Plants