Colour Atlas on Symptomatology of Common Diseases in Animals

Colour Atlas on Symptomatology of Common Diseases in Animals

by M.G. Jayathangaraj, T. P. Balagopalan, R. K. Swain
  • ISBN: 9788119105649
  • Binding: Hardbound
  • Year: 2025
  • Language: English
PRICE:  US $ 100.00
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This book primarily contains clinical information which is related to the occurrence of various diseases and/or disorders affecting the small animals like dogs, sheep and goat and large animals like white cattle and buffaloes . Under each photographic illustration, specific technical information has been shared in concrete manner, but at the same time in nut - shell. It is crystal clear that the veterinary students at large, especially the students doing the final year of B.V.Sc. & A.H. degree progtamme as well as veterinarians in the field will get enriched towards obtaining of knowledge not only by the text quoted, but also by the concurrent presence of photographic illustrations on multiple clinical problems encountered on daily practice. Different photographs pertaining to the skin conditions, ocular problems, reproductive problems, surgical problems and interventions, etc. have been dealt in detail to augment the existing clinical status.

Dr. M.G. Jayathangaraj offered various clinical courses to the undergraduate as well as post-graduate students (M.V.Sc. and Ph.D.). Acted as a Principal Investigator for 4 no. of externally funded projects and as a Co-Principal Investigator in 1 no. of project and acquired memberships in five professional bodies in Veterinary Science. Published 228 nos. of clinical and research articles in reputed journals (National: 192 Nos. and International: 36 Nos.) & citations account to 456 and h-index accounts to 11. Acted as a Chairman of the Advisory Committee for 30 no. of M.V.Sc. students and 4 no.of Ph.D. students. Similarly, acted as a Member of the Advisory Committee for 12 no. of M.V.Sc. students and 3no.of Ph.D. students. Conducted 13 national and 4 international training programmes, in addition to offering of guest lectures totaling 45 nos. in the field of Veterinary Clinical Medicine. Participated in 3 training programmes (National) and 2 (International) and in 35 (National) and 17 (International) seminars, symposia, conferences, etc. in India and USA. Associated with conducting of national seminar/conference/workshops ((10 nos.) and international (4 nos.). Actively associated with preparation of 21 no.of teaching guides/books/manuals, 23 no.of digital resources (compact discs) and 21 no.of technical bulletins. Field investigations (68 nos.) were carried out related to clinical works on different occasions and places and diagnosis of the clinical condition and technical suggestions were provided, accordingly and has been nominated as a member in various committees (104 nos.) Many awards and appreciations were received (National: 6 nos., State: 4nos and International: 1no.). Registered Member in various professional bodies.

Dr. T.P. Balagopalan, Professor and Head, Veterinary Clinical Complex, School of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Paralekhamundi, Odisha was born on 29th July, 1960 at Kerala. He completed B.V.Sc. & A.H. in 1983, M.V.Sc. (Surgery) in 1987 and Ph.D. in 1999 from Kerala Agricultural University. He was involved in teaching, research and clinical activities in Veterinary surgery for the last 37 years at College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy and Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Pondicherry. He guided many PG students, acted as a Co-Principal Investigator for one DST project and published one book and 112 research articles. He developed 16 techniques/protocols in clinical surgery, organised 6 seminar/workshops, attended 27 symposia and acted as resource person for many training programme/workshops. He is a lifetime member in 2 professional bodies & received many awards and appreciations (39) including the prestigious Fellow of Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery (FISVS) in 2018.

Dr. R.K. Swain has associated with teaching, research, extension and academic and research administrative and Animal Health care works for the last 36 years 3 months. He has a credit of publication of books/Book chapters/Laboratory Manuals: 22 (3 books by international publisher popularized in India, USA and UK) and served as the Student Supervisor (IAS-2, Indian Foreign Service-1, IPS- 1, Indian Forest Service – 1, Indian Revenue Service -1, Indian Customs service-1, IIM-2, ITBF-3, ARS-10 , SRF-21, OAS-16, Odisha Forest Service-2). He has also published 145 scientific articles and attracted funds amounted to Rs.4227.9825 lakhs and generated funds was Rs.18.2932 lakhs and generated 30 technologies and the Government of Odisha and farmers got benefitted by 27 technologies. Served as an Editor in Utkal Veterinarian and is an editorial board member of Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology and is a reviewer of a number of Journals and acquired an YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD in Centennial Symposium on 100 years of Animal Nutrition Research in India. Served as a President, Animal Nutrition Association , India and also is a member of many professional bodies esp. the Indian Academy of Veterinary Nutrition and Animal Welfare (IAVNAW) and visited Amman, Jordan, Israel, Dubai, with regard to a Training and is a member in multiple academic and administrative committees including the Academic Council, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, in the Board of Faculty and in Agricultural Consultancy Support Service Cell (ACSSC), etc.

Dr. Girish Kumar Mohanty completed B.V.Sc. & A.H. and M.V.Sc. from Odisha Veterinary College, OUAT, Bhubaneswar. Served in different capacities in F&ARD department, Govt. of Odisha for 37 years. Retired on 30th April, 2023. After retirement, joined as an Assistant Professor-cum-Veterinary Extension Officer in SOVAS, CUTM, Paralakhemundi on 3rd July, 2023. As per assignment given, working as a supervising and monitoring officer of all the activities of LFC and VCC.

Dr. F. Sebastin Raju has completed B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc. from Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Puducherry and got specialized in Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Complex, School of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Paralakhemundi, Odisha, attending clinical cases belonging to multiple species of animals. Clinical features related to the Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Obstetrics in livestock are successfully dealt, augmenting the health status of animals and currently is a Lifetime member in Indian Society for Study of Animal Reproduction (ISSAR) and published research papers in national journals.

Dr. Saranya Paidi has completed B.V.Sc. & A.H. and M.V.Sc. from NTR College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram affiliated to Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati and her subject of specialization in M.V.Sc. is Veterinary Surgery and Radiology. Currently, working as an Assistant Professor in Veterinary Clinical Complex, School of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Paralakhemundi, Odisha and is well versed with the different surgical techniques in livestock and is actively associated with Ambulatory Clinic related technical works also, enhancing the health status of multiple species of animals and is also a lifetime member of the professional bodies like the Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery.

Dr. B.V. Sai Bhavya Charitha has completed B.V.Sc. & A.H. from College of Veterinary Science, Tirupati and M.V.Sc. from NTR College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram affiliated to Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati and got specialized in Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Livestock Farm Complex, School of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Paralakhemundi, Odisha. Well versed with small animal and large animal general reproductive aspects and obstetrical operations and currently is a member of Indian Association of Women Veterinarians.

Dr. Robin Tiwari is a dedicated and skilled veterinarian, holding a Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry from Nagpur Veterinary College, Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University and a Master’s degree in Veterinary Science with a specialization in Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine from the College of Veterinary & Animal Science, Odisha University of Agricultural and Technology. With a keen interest in research and academia, currently he is working as an Assistant Professor, Livestock Farm Complex, at the School of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha.


1 Acariasis in Cattle.................................................................................1

2 Ameloblastoma in a Cow....................................................................2

3 Anal Gland-Abscess.............................................................................3

4 Anal Sac-Impaction..............................................................................4

5 Anophthalmia in a Calf.......................................................................5

6 Atresia Ani in a Calf.............................................................................6

7 Aural Haematoma in a Dog................................................................7

8 Avulsion Wounds ................................................................................8

9 Babesiosis in a Dog (Petechiation on OS-Penis of a Dog)...............9

10 Bite Marks of Non-venomous and Venomous Snakes .................10

11 Bloat (Severe) in Recumbent Cow ...................................................11

12 Blue Eye/Corneal Oedema...............................................................12

13 Body Parts in Bovines ........................................................................13

14 Clinical Examination of Lymph Nodes in Bovines .......................14

15 Bovine Fetal Mummification ............................................................15

16 Brisket Disease in Cattle....................................................................16

17 Bumble Foot in Chicken ....................................................................17

18 Canine Distemper (CD) in a Dog.....................................................18

19 Cataract in a Dog................................................................................19

20 Cervical Mucocele in a Calf ..............................................................20

21 Cervico-Vaginal Mucus During Estrum in a Cow ........................21

22 Cervico-Vaginal Prolapse in a Postpartum Buffalo ......................22

23 Cervico-Vaginal Prolapse in Sheep .................................................23

24 Chemosis in a Cow.............................................................................24

25 Cherry Eye in a Dog...........................................................................25

26 Choke in a Cow ..................................................................................26

27 Clinical Endometritis in a Cow ........................................................27

28 Common-Injection Sites in Bovines.................................................28

29 Concurrent Rectal and Cervico-Vaginal Prolapse in a Postpartum Buffalo .........................................................................29

30 Congested Mucous Membrane ........................................................30

31 Constipated Pig with Tense Abdomen ...........................................31

32 Contracted Tendon in a Calf.............................................................32

33 Corneal Opacity in a Dog..................................................................33

34 Demodicosis in Bovines ....................................................................34

35 Dental Tartar in a Dog.......................................................................35

36 Dermoid Cyst in a Calf......................................................................36

37 Dumb Rabies (Paralytic Rabies or Apathetic Rabies) in a Dog ...37

38 Dystocia Due to Bilateral Shoulder Flexion....................................38

39 Dystocia Due to Breech Presentation ..............................................39

40 Echymosis in Dogs .............................................................................40

41 Enteritis in Sheep................................................................................41

42 Fetal Anasarca in a Dog.....................................................................42

43 Flea-Borne Dermatitis in a Cow .......................................................43

44 Fungal Dermatitis in a Dog...............................................................44

45 Furious Rabies (or) Encephalitic Rabies in a Dog..........................45

46 Greasy Pig in a Piglet.........................................................................46

47 Haematoma in a Pig...........................................................................47

48 Haemorrhagic Enteritis in a Calf .....................................................48

49 Haemorrhagic Pneumonia in a Buffalo-Calf..................................49

50 Horn Amputation in a Graded Murrah Buffalo ............................50

51 Horn Avulsion in a Buffalo...............................................................51

52 Horn Cancer........................................................................................52

53 Horn Fracture in a Buffalo ................................................................53

54 Hypothermia in a Neonatal Calf......................................................54

55 Hysterocele in a Ewe..........................................................................55

56 Important Lymphnodes in Canines.................................................57

57 Inter-Digital Wound in a Properly Restrained Cow .....................58

58 Jaundice in a Dog ...............................................................................59

59 Laminitis in a Goat (Forelimbs Get Flexed While Resting or Grazing .............................................................................60

60 Laminitis in a Horse (Right Fore).....................................................61

61 Laminitis in Cattle..............................................................................62

62 Left Flank Rumenotomy in a Cow...................................................63

63 Left Sided Displacement of Abomasum (LDA) in a Cow............64

64 Lumpy Skin Disease in a Calf...........................................................65

65 Mandibular Fracture in a Day-Old Buffalo-Calf............................66

66 Mastitis in Doe....................................................................................67

67 Nasal Schistosomiasis........................................................................68

68 Nervous Form of Ketosis...................................................................69

69 Obturator Nerve Paralysis in a Crossbred Cow ............................70

70 Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Buffalo .............................71

71 Opisthotonus in a Recumbent Calf..................................................72

72 Overgrown Hoof in Goat ..................................................................73

73 Pasty Faeces in Paralytic Ileus of Cattle..........................................74

74 Peritoneal Cestodiasis in Dogs (With Ascites)...............................75

75 Perineal Hernia in a Dog...................................................................76

76 Peste Des Petits Ruminants (Nasal Discharge in a Goat & Upper Buccal Ulcerations in a Sheep).............................................77

77 Pneumonia with Gum Lesions in a Small Ruminant....................79

78 Pus in Antrum in a Dog.....................................................................80

79 Rectal Prolapse in a Buffalo ..............................................................81

80 Retention of Placenta in a Cow ........................................................82

81 Ricketts in a Pup.................................................................................83

82 Right Sided Displacement of Abomasum in a Cow (Illustration)............................................................................84

83 Right Sided Displacement of Abomasum in Bovines (RDA).......85

84 Scooting in Dog & Proglottids in Stools..........................................86

85 Scrotal Hydrocele in a Dog ...............................................................87

86 Severe Haemorrhagic and Septic Mastitis in a Buffalo.................88

87 Site of Abdominocentesis in Cattle..................................................90

88 Sole - Ulcer in a Graded Murrah Buffalo ........................................91

89 Total Uterine Prolapse in a Crossbred Jersey.................................92

90 Transmissible Venereal Tumour (TVT) in a Bitch.........................93

91 Transmissible Venereal Tumour (TVT) in a Dog ........................94

92 Traumatic Ocular Proptosis in a Domesic Short Hair Cat ...........95

93 Trypanosomiasis in a Goat ...............................................................96

94 Left Displacement of the Abomasum (LDA) .................................97

95 Umbilical Hernia in a Calf ................................................................98

96 Urethral Diverticulum in a Kid........................................................99

97 Uterine Prolapse in a Goat..............................................................100

98 Vagal Indigestion in Bovines..........................................................101

99 Vaginal Hyperplasia in an Intact Bitch .........................................102

100 Webbed Teat in a Cow.....................................................................103

101 Yoke Gall in a Bullock......................................................................104