The Goal of Doubling Farmers ‘ income by 2022 as given by the Government of India is a herculean task for the Agricultural Sector that is vulnerable to climate change and economic instability. The Strategies adopted during the phase of the Green Revolution ensured an increase in Agricultural Outputs and Productivity, but it didn’t address the issue of increasing farmers’ income. This book explores the potential of deployment of agricultural technologies to increase farmers’ income by maximizing agricultural output through technological advancements by increasing resource use efficiency which in turns save the cost of cultivation with better productivity. Diversification of agriculture towards valued crops, strengthening allied enterprises like agro forestry, value addition, fisheries, animal husbandry, poultry , mushroom cultivation, honey production and few non-farm approaches as well as gives a brief account of government initiatives to fulfil the dream of doubling farmers’ income in sustainable manner. Use of information and communications technology (ICT) in agriculture and development of human resources through education, research and extension are narrated in chapters.
The book comprises of dedicated chapters by eminent professors and experienced national scientists working in different fields of agriculture, providing an overview of the strategies adopted to increase agricultural income. Several examples of success stories serve as models for researchers, extension agents, policy makers, students and other stakeholders intended to serve farmers. The views of the contributors are though and based on long lasting research experiences in the field of agriculture. Discussion about a roadmap for doubling the farmers’ income will provide future direction for policy makers and researchers for ultimately improving livelihood of the Indian farmers and prosperity of the nation.
Dr. N.C. Patel, Vice Chancellor, Anand Agricultural University, Anand – 388110, Gujarat.
Dr. O.S. Mbuya, Professor and Director, Centre for Water Resources, College of Agriculture and Food Science, Florida A&M University, USA.
Dr. R.V. Vyas, Professor, Agril. Microbiology, B.A. College of Agriculture, Anand Agricultural University, Anand – 388110, Gujarat.