This book is intended as a professional basic text book for under graduate level students of organic farming. At the post graduate level also it will be very useful for students of agriculture in particular and farming system. In addition the text book will be a valuable reference on farming system for the candidates appearing in competitive examinations including agricultural research services. The text book covers concepts and relevance of organic farming in present context : organic manures, vermi-composting, green manuring, re-cycling of organic residues, biofertilizers, soil improvements and amendments, sustainable agriculture and integrated farming system. It is a comprehensive basic text book on integrated farming system and will specifically meet out the requirements of the students of agronomy courses being taught at the university
Dr Ram Narayan Meena graduated from Jobner campus of Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, (presently, Shri Karan Narendra Agriculture University, Jobner), also obtained his post graduate degree in Agronomy discipline from the same campus and doctoral degree from BHU, Varanasi. He is known for his outstanding teaching and research ability in the field of Crop Production and Soil Fertility Management. As Assistant Professor of Agronomy for about nine years Dr Meena has been major advisor for over 15PG students and 6 Ph. D. Scholars. He has to his credit more than 40 research publications in National and International journals. Dr Meena has also authored 4 Books and 9 Practical Manuals of his specialization. A well known Agronomist outside Banaras Hindu University, Dr Meena is a recipient of Best University Teacher Award for Excellence in Teaching in Agriculture for the Year, 2012-2013 & 2014-15 from ICAR, New Delhi. In recognition of his outstanding achievements, he is a Principal Investigator in SERB (DST), Major Research Project, New Delhi and editor in chief of journal, Indian Journal of Crop Ecology and member of several societies and committees. Dr Meena is currently Assistant Professor (Senior Scale), Department of Agronomy, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005 (U.P.), India.