Farming Systems Issues & Strategies

Farming Systems Issues & Strategies

by Sunil Kumar, D.R. Palsaniya Et. Al.
  • ISBN: 9789385055881
  • Binding: Hardbound
  • Year: 2017
  • Language: ENGLISH
PRICE:  US $ 145.00
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The present book is the outcome of valuable scientific contribution of made by various scientists across the country. This Book has comprehensive coverage of all the issues and strategies related to farming systems and is expected to provide valuable information for research scholars, undergraduate and post graduate students having farming systems course in their curriculum, guide to entrepreneurs, farming community and NGOs. This book contains thirty five chapters with broad heads covering i) Overview, issue and strategies of farming system research in India ii) IFS based crop diversification, enterprise selection and planning ii) Food and fodder production strategies based on farmers resource base iii) Integrated resource management iv) climate change, carbon sequestration and Agroforestry strategies v) watershed based approach, soil and moisture conservation strategies v) IPM and weed management strategies in IFS vi) animal health, dairy farming, integrated goat, poultry and fish management through waste recycling vii) post harvest management of crop residues viii) Socio-economic issues and analysis. This book is expected to provide sound knowledge in scientific forum for formulating research plans and policies in the country for making our agriculture sustainable

Dr. Sunil Kumar is presently Head, Division of Crop Production, ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi since November, 2010. His research areas includes cropping systems, soil fertility and fertilizer use, weed management, resource use in changing climate, GHG emission and C sequestration in fodder & grazing based livestock production system, conservation agriculture and forage based integrated farming systems. He has been bestowed with several awards viz. SAP Recognition Award, Best Team Award Krishi Vasant, Fellow, Range Management Society of India, Certificate of Honor, IGFRI, Certificate of Excellence, NRC Weed Science. He has been elected as Vice President, The Society of Agricultural Professionals & Indian Society of Agro Forestry; Secretary, Range Management Society of India. He has published more than 50 papers in reputed International & National journals including 2 books.

Dr. D. R. Palsaniya is working as Senior Scientist, Agronomy at ICAR-IGFRI, Jhansi. He has eleven years experience in the field of agro forestry, watershed management, Farming system research, wasteland development through silvipasture and weed management. He is a person with meritorious career throughout and has over one hundred and twenty publications to his credit. He was awarded with Bhamashah Award by Maharana Mewar Foundation, Udaipur in 2001, Excellent Services to On-farm Trials (Team Award) by NRCAF, Jhansi, twice in 2008 and 2010, Vasant Rao Naik Award of ICAR for Outstanding Research Application in Dryland Farming Systems - 2010,PS Deshmukh Young Agronomist Award 2010 of Indian Society of Agronomy, New Delhi, Best Paper Award of Indian Society of Agronomy for the year 2012 and IGFRI Best Team Award - 2014.

Dr. T. Kiran Kumar is agronomist and working as scientist at ICAR-Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi since last five years. He is a recipient of IARI senior research fellowship and INSPIRE fellowship from DST, Government of India during his Ph.D. programme at IARI New Delhi. He also received best Ph. D thesis award from Indian Society of Agronomy. He is involved in research related to resource conserving technologies in rain fed About the Authors forage based cropping systems and he has published more than 7 research articles in the reputed peer reviewed journals. Dr Anoop Kumar Dixit is Senior Scientist (Agronomy)in ICAR-IGFRI Jhansi (UP). He has eleven years of experience in crop residue management, conservation agriculture and cropping system research. He has 22research papers, 4 review papers, 12 popular articles5 book chapters and 7 technical bulletins to his credit.

Dr M M Das is working as Principal Scientist in Plant Animal Relationship, Division at Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute, Jhansi (UP). He has 22years of research experience in the field of Animal Nutrition. His main areas of research are improvement of low grade roughages and development of complete feed block for ruminants. He has successfully undertaken many research projects funded by ICAR,NATP, DST etc. in the field of animal nutrition. He has to his credit 70research publication of National and International repute.

Dr. P.K. Ghosh is presently serving as Director, Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Institute. He is a renowned agronomist of country in the field of cropping system research, soil fertility and fertilizer use, crop nutrition and soil quality, conservation tillage and soil water conservation. He is fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Science and Indian Society of Agronomy, Indian Society of Plant Physiology,West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology, Member of International Grassland Congress (Representative of South East Asia),Chairman organising committee International Grassland Congress 2015,President of Range Management Society of India and is a recipient of many awards viz., ICAR Inter-disciplinary Team Award; ISA Gold Medal Awards , ISCA-Prof. Sushil Kumar Mukherjee Commemoration Lecture Award, Hari Kishan Shastri Memorial Award, Dr K.G. Tejwani Award, Groundwater Augmentation Award, Bioved Agri-innovation Award; IMPHOS-FAI Award, AAAS (Senior) Award, PPIC-FAI Award, Recipient of Best Scientific Oratory Award. Dr. Ghosh has 163 publications in the Journal of National and International repute including 6 books to hiscredit.

  • Farming System Research In India : An Overview
  • Sustaining Indian Agriculture Through IFS Baseddiversification: Issues And Strategies
  • SWOT Analysis Of Farming System Research In India
  • Enterprise Selection In Integrated Farming Systems:Issues And Strategies
  • Vegetable Production Strategies In IFS For Profitabilityand Nutritional Security
  • Fodder Production Strategies For Integrated Farmingsystem Under Irrigated Conditions
  • Fodder Production Strategies From Perennial Systems Forifs Under Rainfed Conditions
  • Forage Production Strategies In IFS To Match With Thefarmer's Resource Base
  • Integrated Dairy Farming System
  • Animal Health And Infertility Management Issues Andstrategies Under Integrated Farming System
  • Integrated Goat Production Strategies For Farmingsystems
  • Poultry Production And Management Under Integratedfarming System
  • Integrated Fish Production And Management
  • Integration And Management Of Beekeeping Infarming Systems
  • Quality Seed Production Issues And Strategies For Integrated Farming System (IFS)
  • Resource Conservation Technologies For Sustainable Agriculture
  • Balanced Plant Nutrition For Quality Fodder Andmilk Production
  • Weed Management Practices For Integrated Farmingsystems
  • IPM In Different Field And Horticultural Crops Underintegrated Farming Systems
  • Disease Management In Different Field Andhorticultural Crops Under IFS: Issues And Strategies
  • Post Harvest Processing And Value Addition Ofhorticultural Produce In IFS For Higher Profitability
  • Post Harvest Management Of Forage Crops Andcrop Residues
  • Dung Management Strategies For Integrated Farmingsystem
  • Biomass Recycling And Composting In Livestock Based Integrated Farming System
  • Soil And Water Conservation Strategies In Farming Systems
  • Watershed Based Integrated Approach For Resourceconservation And Livelihood Security
  • Agroforestry For Livestock Based Farming System:Planning And Management
  • Agroforestry Approaches For Enhancing Soil Fertility Infarming Systems
  • Integrated Farming System Research Under Climatechange Scenario
  • Assessment And Mitigation Of Greenhouse Gases In Integrated Farming Systems
  • Role Of Plant Growth Regulators In Integrated Farmingsystem
  • Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) For Socio-Economicanalysis
  • Gender Issues In Integrated Farming Systemsdevelopment
  • Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) Andenvironment-Friendly Technologies For IFS
  • ICT Readiness Of Stakeholders For Sustainable Integratedfarming Systems
  • Role Of Ngos/PPP In Farming System Research Anddevelopment
  • Application Of Nanotechnology For Conservation Ofresources In Agriculture
  • Greenhouse Technology To Enhance Productivity Of Fruits And Vegetables For Small And Marginal Farmers