Health management including balanced feeding of wild animals in zoo is the main job of zoo veterinarian. He is also required to suggest measures for combating nutritional deficiency in the wild animals in situ. To equip veterinary graduates a course on feeding and management of wild animals has been included in the syllabus. This book has been synthesized in 10 chapters to meet the requirement of nutrition. The chapters are introduction, identification of domestic animal models for the nutritional assessment of wild and captive animals, foods of wild and zoo animals, feeding habits of wild and zoo animals, balanced soil-water-air-solar energy-plant-animal relationship for sustaining wild animals in situ, behaviour of wild animals affecting feeding in captivity and in situ, feeding of nursing starved mammalian neonates in early life, study took to wildlife reserve forest, zoo and wildlife institute, harmful substances in feeds and in chapter 10 important homes of wild animals are listed. This is a concise book on the subject for the students of veterinary sciences and references book for the teachers, zoo veterinaries and forest department personnels.
Nityanand Pathak B.Sc., & A.H., M.V.Sc., Ph.D., FNAVSI, FANA FMOBS, MAAVN President, Pashu Chikitski Pshan Avam Kaluyan Samiti 113B, Vatika, Sun-City Vistaar, Izatnagar 243122,U.P. S.K Saha B.V.Sc.& AH, M.Sc.(D), Ph.D., FNAVS, Post Doc (Australia) Post Doc (USA) Principal Scientist, Animal Nutrition Division Indian Veterinary Research Institute Izatangar-243122,U.P