This book is primarily designed for students of veterinary science and large animal practising vets which gives the basic anatomy of udder and teat, clinical examination of mammary system, functional evaluation of teats, pathophysiology, clinical features, diagnosis and management of surgical affections of udder and teat in cows. The details are presented in a clear and simple form. Illustrative hand drawn figures and clinical photographs are easy to understand and reproduce. All the topics are extensively revised and updated to include recent advances in the field of udder and teat surgery. Chapters covering the ultrasonographical and theloscopic examination of udder and teat include details of the equipments, its handling and diagnostic images of various surgical affections of mammary system. Chapters on treatment protocols presents superbly illustrated authoritative yet simple exposition of the various operative techniques and theloscopic electroresection in addition to the conventional instrumentation and procedures. The last chapter discussed the effect of knuckling pattern of milking and milkers callus in milkman. This book helps the farm animal practitioners to practice udder and teat surgery with thorough understanding of clinical diagnosis, investigations and evidence-based management.
Dr. N. Arul Jothi, Ph.D., born on 4 November, 1965, at Tamil Nadu, working as Professor, Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research (RIVER), Pondicherry. She completed B.V.Sc. during 1988 and M.V.Sc. during 1992 from Madras Veterinary College, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University,Tamil Nadu, India. She acquired Ph.D. degree during 2007 from School of Veterinary Science, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia.
Dr. T.P. Balagopalan, Ph.D., FISVS, born on 29 July, 1960 at Kerala, working as Professor and Head, Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research (RIVER), Pondicherry. He completed B.V.Sc. & A.H. in 1983. M.V.Sc. in 1987 and Ph.D. in 1999 from College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Mannuthy, India. He was awarded Fellow, Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery in 2018. Authors are involved in surgical management of teat and udder affections in cows for more than 25 years, this book is based on their experience in this field. The photographs of the clinical conditions given is from the cases treated by them. They guided Post-graduate students, published articles, received awards in this field. Detailed clinical evaluation of the mammary system, ultrasonographical examination, surgical affections, treatment protocols, thelosocopy and milkers callus are discussed. This book will be very useful for the students and field veterinarians for managing surgical affections of udder and teat in cows.
1. Anatomy of Mammary Glands............................................................ 1
Structural anatomy.................................................................................. 1
Supporting system .................................................................................. 2
Functional anatomy ................................................................................ 3
Neural system of the mammary gland ............................................... 7
2. Evaluation of Mammary System......................................................... 9
I. Animal particulars ............................................................................... 9
II. Anamnesis ..................................................................................... 9
III. Clinical examination of the udder ............................................... 10
IV. Clinical examination of quarter ............................................. 18
V. Clinical examination of teat ............................................................ 20
VI. Functional evaluation of teat ........................................................ 28
VII. Radiography............................................................................. 30
VIII. Diagnostic ultrasonography.................................................31
IX. Theloscopy.................................................................................. 31
X. Teat thermography ....................................................................31
XI. Qualitative examination of the milk ......................................31
XII. Gross and histopathological examination of
obstructive lesions in teat ...............................................................35
3. Ultrasonographical Examination of Mammary System............... 41
Glandular parenchyma of the udder ................................................. 44
Udder affections ................................................................................... 45
4. Surgical Affections of Mammary System ....................................... 59 I. Affections of udder ........................................................................... 59
II. Affections of teat.............................................................................. 74
III. Acquired lesions ............................................................................. 79 IV. External teat lesions ....................................................................... 82
V. Affections of gland and teat cistern ............................................. 94
VI. Affections of teat sphincter .......................................................... 99
5. Treatment Protocols for Surgical Affections of
Mammary System............................................................................... 109
I. General principles of teat and udder surgery............................ 109
II. Preoperative management ............................................................ 109
III. Restraint and anaesthesia............................................................ 109
IV. Surgical techniques of udder ...................................................... 114
V. Surgical techniques of teat ............................................................ 118
1. Conventional surgery using teat instruments ........................... 118
2. Thelotomy ........................................................................................ 123
3. Reconstructive surgery .................................................................. 127
4. Video-assisted theloscopic electroresection............................... 131
5. Electroresection with monopolar electrocautery...................... 132
6. Laser therapy................................................................................... 133
7. Ultrasound therapy and phonophoresis..................................... 133
VI. Postoperative care and management ........................................ 134
6. Thelosocopy......................................................................................... 147
Equipment ............................................................................................ 147
Theloscopy procedure ........................................................................ 156
Video-assisted theloscopic electroresection (VTER) .................... 159
7. Milker’s Callus in Milk Man.......................................................... 167
Index ..................................................................................................... 171