Agriculture and Industry go hand-in-hand with each other. The development of agriculture from 1st industrial revolution to 4th has been enormous. Industrial and agricultural revolution has taken up place to the present day providing ideas and considerations for the future. Global agriculture has improved over several years, which highlights how we move forward in terms of increased crop production. During that same time, the population increased quickly, but the area under cultivation did not increase with the same pace. Farmers have always produced food, but their methods of production change throughout time. Machines make it easier and more efficient to cultivate and harvest crops. Machines replaced human beings and animals in most of the activities and do a lot of work faster and more accurately. Farmers’ still continue to cultivate the crops and produce the food required by people and animals just as they did in the past, but with new technological innovations. Therefore, a transformation in the Agriculture sector is a definite need for a self-reliant India and can it self serve as an economic stimulus as it touches upon different sections of the society including those who are struggling to survive in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Sameera Qayoom, Head, Agro-meteorology Unit, SKUAST-K, Shalimar-190025.
Dr. R. Roy Burman, Principal Scientist (Agricultural Extension) Division of Agricultural Extension ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-110012.
Dr. Amit K. Goswami, Scientist, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-110012.
Dr. Rakesh Sharma, Associate Professor Division of Agricultural Extension Education SKUAST - Jammu, Chatha-180009.
Dr. Anil Bhat, Assistant Professor, Division of Agricultural Economics & Agri-business Management SKUAST- Jammu, Chatha-180009.
Ms. Subhashree Sahu, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-110012.
Dr. Girijesh Singh Mahra, Scientist, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-110012.
1. Prospects and Potential of Agri-business Entrepreneurship for Enhancing Income and Employment....................................... 1
2. SKUAST-K Model of Institutional Development Plan: Tailoring Agri-education System with NEP-2020 ......................27
3. Sustainable Agriculture: A Way Forward for Upliftment of Agrarian Economy ..................................................53
4. Remote Sensing and Crop Simulation Modelling .......................63
5. Utilization of Walnuts for Value Added Product Development ......................................................................................85
6. Financial Security, Food Security and Nutritional Security......95
7. Harad (Terminalia Chebula): Production to Profitability ..........101
8. Breeding Pulses for Current Agriculture Scenario ...................113
9. Multimedia Based ICTs for Smart Agriculture: Prospects, Challenges and Way Ahead......................................129
10. An Introduced Bamboo in Kashmir Valley- Moso Bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens): A Potential Multipurpose Plant ...................................................143
11. Impact of Training for Pesticide Input Dealers on their Level of Awareness on the Judicious Use of Pesticides............151
12. Women Empowerment through Mushroom Cultivation - Case Studies and Impact Analysis from Kashmir Vallley.......169
13. Agroforestry and Its Roles, Adoption, Constraints and Potentials: Global Perspectives .....................................................181
14. Potential of Aromatic Crops in Jammu and Kashmir .............205
15. Value Addition: An Ideal Concept to Prevent Post-Harvest Losses in Fruits and Vegetables ....................................................217
16. An Overview of Agriculture Scenario in U.T. of Jammu & Kashmir and the Role of Underutilized
Crops in Maintaining Sustainability and Food Security..........233
17. Agricultural Schemes Under Implementation and Reforms thereof in J&K..................................................................241
18. Innovations in Mulberry Farming Mechanization for Increased Productivity ...................................................................279
19. Algal Blooms in Dal Lake of Kashmir Himalayan Valley: Causes, Impacts and Management Measures ...........................297
20. An Overview of Natural Farming /Zero Budget Natural Farming................................................................315
21. Management of Plant Diseases under Organic Farming.........323
22. Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) of Various Underutilized Vegetables and their Medicinal Values ............333
23. Emerging Technologies for Sericulture Development .............351
24. Strategies for Revival of Sericulture in J&K - A Potential Sector of Economy.....................................................361