Basic Geoinformatics for Climate Smart Agriculture

Basic Geoinformatics for Climate Smart Agriculture

by B.K. Gavit, S.A. Kadam elt all.
  • ISBN: 9789394023352
  • Binding: Hardbound
  • Year: 2024
  • Language: English
PRICE:  US $ 150.00
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Geoinformatics is the integration of different disciplines dealing with spatial information. The advent of Satellite Remote Sensing and subsequent development of Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) have made significant changes in surveying and map making. In light of this, both in the academia and the industry, these topics have been brought together under one umbrella termGeoinformatics. This is the first comprehensive study on Geoinformatics meant for students and professionals which brings together the essential elements of Remote Sensing, GPS and GIS. A basic understanding of these components is crucial for carrying out various types of surveys, navigation, geodynamics, agriculture, rural and urban planning, environmental monitoring, natural resources management, management of natural hazards and disasters, etc. This book has built around concepts and skills at the basic level to make it easy for a learner who wishes to understand how geoinformatics can be put to practical use.

Dr. B.K. Gavit Associate Professor Soil and Water Conservation Engineering & CAAST Team Member MPKV, Rahuri-413722

Dr. S.A. Kadam Associate Professor Irrigation and Drainage Engineering & CAAST Team Member, Dept. of Agriculture Engineering MPKV, Rahuri-413722

Dr. S.D. Gorantiwar Head, Department of Agriculture Engineering & Principal Investigator, CAAST-CSAWM, MPKV Rahuri-413722

Dr. R.C. Agrawal National Director ICAR-NAHEP, 508, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan-II New Delhi-110012 Dr. Prabhat Kumar National Coordinator (CAAST) ICAR-NAHEP, 508, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan-II, New Delhi-110012 

Dr. (Ms) Anuradha Agrawal National Coordinator (CAAST & Comp-2) National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP), Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan-II (KAB-II), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)Pusa Campus, New Delhi-110012, India

Dr. M. G. Shinde Professor, Department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering & Co-Principial Investigator, CAAST-CSAWM, MPKV, Rahuri-413 722

Dr. A.A. Atre Professor of Soil & Water Conservation Engineering & Procurement Officer, CAAST-CSAWM, MPKV, Rahuri-413722

Dr. S.B. Nandgude Head Dept. of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering Dr. A.S. College of Agril. Engineering & Technology, MPKV, Rahuri-413722

Dr. J. Rajesh Research Associate (RS & GIS) CAAST-CSAWM Dr. C.B. Pande Research Associate (Geoinformatics) CAAST-CSAWM, MPKV, Rahuri-413722 

I. Indian Satellite Programs and Other Countries Satellite Program

1. Satellite Programmes: History and Introduction of Indian Satellite Programs and Other Countries Satellite Program ....... 1 Dr. B.R. Nikam

II. Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, Interaction with Atmosphere and EMR

2. Concept of Geoinformatics Technology: EMR, Principles, Platforms, Sensors Data Sources and Applications of Remote Sensing ..................................................... 7 Mr. S.M. Apturkar

III: Coordinate Systems, Map Projections and Transformations

3. Coordinate Systems, Map Projections and Geographic (Datum) Transformations ........................................ 39 Dr. Vijay Bhagat

IV: Digital Image Processing-Interpretation and Image Classification Tool and Elements

4. Introduction, Concepts of Image Processing Techniques, Conversion of Data, Types and Formats .............. 57 Dr. P. Choudhary

5. Practical on DIP: Geometric Corrections: Image to Image Rectification, Different Image Operations. ................................. 77 Mr. Mohan R. Zade

6. Theory: Image/Photographs Interpretation .............................. 91 Dr. S.K. Singh 

7. Practical Edge Detection and Enhancement and Image Classification ........................................................................ 95 Mr. Mohan Zade

8. Image Classification Techniques and its Applications ...........103 Dr. Kannak Mohritr

9. Practical on DIP: Spectral Rationing (Difference Indices).....113 Mr. Vikrant Nikam

V: Principles of GIS and Data Analysis

10. Basics, Process and Application of Geographical Information Systems .....................................................................117 Dr. S.K. Singh

11. GIS Data Models and Spatial Data Structure ..........................139 Mr. Vikrant Nikam

12. Practical on Arc GIS: Familiarization with of Arc GIS Software, Attribute Data – Creation and Editing, Querying, Layout Preparation ....................................................155 Dr. B.K. Gavit, Dr. J. Rajesh, C.B. Pande

13. Hands on Arc GIS Software: Spatial Analysis Tools in GIS.....................................................................................175 Mr. Vikrant Nikam

VI: Introduction to QGIS Software

14. Practical on QGIS: Familiarization with QGIS Software with Best Practices ........................................................................185 Dr. P. Choudhary

VII: Soft Computing Techniques for Hydrological Modelling and Statistical Techniques

15. Soft Computing Techniques for Hydrological Modelling ......189 Dr. Santosh M. Pingale

16. Statistical Techniques for Hydro-meteorological Data Analysis and Interpretations .......................................................199 Dr. Santosh M. Pingale

VIII: Principles of GPS and Data Collection Methods

17. Global Positioning System (GPS) Principles, Concepts and Applications ...........................................................................209 Dr. S. A. Kadam

18. Geotagging of Agriculture Fields Using GPS and Mobile Applications ............................................................................ Gavit B.K., Gorantiwar S.D., Pande C.B. and J. Rajesh