Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics: A Practical Manual

Veterinary Gynaecology & Obstetrics: A Practical Manual

by Dibyajyoti Talukdar, K. Lalrintluanga, Fazal Ali Ahmed
  • ISBN: 9789395700498
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Year: 2024
  • Language: English
PRICE:  US $ 80.00
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'Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics: A Practical Manual' is prepared with the syllabus of MSVE-2016 regulations as provided by Veterinary Council of India (VCI), for the undergraduate B.V.Sc. & A.H. Fourth Professional Years' students. Most of the practical have been written as per new syllabus and all three units of course Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics have been incorporated. We the authors expect that the new edition of manual will be useful for the students as well as all other personnel concerned for better understanding. We look forward to receive constructive suggestions, if any, from the readers which will help us in improving the quality of the manual in its future edition.

Dibyajyoti Talukdar is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology & Obstetrics, College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry, Central Agricultural University, Selesih, Aizawl, Mizoram, India. He has published two books, eighty two research articles at different national and international journal, ten manuals and several popular articles and folder. He has attended many national and international seminars, symposium and refresher training courses. Now- a-days, he is actively involved in teaching, research and extension activities at College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry, Central Agricultural University, Selesih, Aizawl, Mizoram.

K. Lalrintluanga is working as a Professor in the Department of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology & Obstetrics, College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry, Central Agricultural University, Selesih, Aizawl, Mizoram, India. He has published several books, research articles at different national and international journal, ten manuals and several popular articles and folder. He has attended many national and international seminars, symposium and refresher training courses.  

Fazal Ali Ahmed is working as a Professor and Head in the Department of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology & Obstetrics, College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry, Central Agricultural University, Selesih, Aizawl, Mizoram, India. He has received Best Research Paper award entitled “Improvement of productivity of migratory buffalo herds” presented in National Symposium on “Buffalo for Rural Upliftment” and Annual Convention of Indian Society for Buffalo Development” held at MAFSU, Nagpurin the year 2006. He has published several books, research articles at different national and international journal, manuals and several popular articles and folder. He has attended many national and international seminars, symposium and refresher training courses.


1. Study of Female Genital Organs of Cattle, Goat and Pig Using Slaughter House Specimens ......................................... 1

2. Detection of Oestrus in Cattle, Pig and Goat Based on Clinical Signs .................................................................................... 11

3. Collection and Examination of Cervico-vaginal Mucus for Detection of Oestrus in Cattle ................................................ 15

4. Estrus Detection Aids for Farm Animals.................................... 19

5. Rectal Palpation of Female Reproductive Tract ........................ 27

6. Study of Instruments and Appliances Used for Gynaecological Cases ..................................................................... 35

7. Vaginal Exfoliative Cytology and Vaginoscopy........................ 41

8. Ultrasonography of Female Reproductive Tract ...................... 47

9. Surgical Procedures on the Vulva, Vagina and Uterus ........... 55

10. Study of Pathological Specimens of Female Genital Tract ...... 63

11. Demonstration and Practice of Ovario-hysterectomy and Panhysterectomy..................................................................... 69

12. Collection of Materials from Female Genital Organ for Bacteriological Examination.......................................................... 77

13. Diagnostic Procedures of Investigation of Infertility in Female Animals ............................................................................... 81


1. Study of Pelvis, Pelvic Cavity and Pelvic Ligaments ................ 87

2. Pelvimetry and Prediction of Dystocia ....................................... 93

3. Pregnancy Diagnosis in Animals ................................................. 95

4. Study of Foetal Membranes of Domestic and Pet Animals ....................................................................................109

5. Identification of Dropsical Conditions of Foetal Membranes .....................................................................................115

6. Approaching Signs of Parturition- Stages of Parturition ......119

7. Commonly Used Terms in Obstetrics ........................................123

8. Approach to an Obstetrical Case ...............................................127

9. Epidural Anaesthesia ...................................................................131

10. Commonly Used Instruments in Handling of Dystocia ........133

11. Manipulation of Foetal Mal-presentation in Phantom Boxes ..............................................................................139

12. Maternal Causes of Dystocia and its Management................157

13. Fetotomy in Large Animals .........................................................163

14. Demonstration of Forceps Delivery ...........................................171

15. Dystocia in Canines ......................................................................175

16. Caesarean Section in Large Animal Clinical Cases ................179

17. Caesarean Section in Small Animal Clinical Cases ................183

18. Handling of Prolapsed of Genitalia ...........................................193


1. Study of Male Genital Organs Using Slaughter House Specimens ...........................................................................199

2. Techniques of Rectal Palpation of the Male Reproductive Tract .......................................................................211

3. Andrological and Artificial Insemination AI Equipments ....215

4. Vasectomy and Castration– Surgical Procedures on Penis, Prepuce and Scrotum ...................................................................219

5. Planning and Organization of AI Centre ................................245

6. Preparation of Teaser Animals– Selection, Care, Training and Maintenance of Male Animal Used for Breeding Purpose ..........................................................................249

7. Study of Different Parts of Artificial Vagina ...........................253

8. Preparation of Artificial Vagina for a Bull ...............................255

9. Techniques of Semen Collection .................................................257

10. Semen Evaluation Techniques: Macroscopic/Physical Examination ...................................................................................265

11. Evaluation of Semen Microscopic Examination......................269

12. Estimation of Initial Motility or Individual Motility of Sperm...............................................................................................271

13. Determination of Percentage of Live Sperm ............................273

14. Determination of Sperm Concentration ...................................275

15. Evaluation of Semen: Biochemical Tests ...................................277

16. Sterilization, Storage of Equipments Used for Semen Collection and Artificial Insemination......................................285

17. Preparation of Tris Extender for Preservation of Semen at Refrigeration Temperature ..........................................................289

18. Preparation of Egg Yolk Citrate Extender (EYC)....................291

19. Preparation of Tris Extender for Freezing and Preservation of Semen at -196°C................................................293

20. Dilution and Preservation of Semen at Refrigeration Temperature ..........................................................295

21. Artificial Insemination with Liquid Semen ..............................297

22. Freezing of Semen .........................................................................299

23. Thawing of Frozen Semen and Charging of A.I. Gun ..........301

24. Care To be Taken in Application of Frozen Semen................303

25. Handling, Shipment of Frozen Semen & LN2 Containers at Field Level..............................................................305

26. Diagnostic Procedures in Investigation of Infertility in Male Animals ............................................................................311

27. Andrological Investigation for Breeding Soundness of Bulls .............................................................................................315

28. Estrus Synchronization Procedures ...........................................323

29. Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer................................329

30. In vitro Fertilization ......................................................................333

References .......................................................................................337