Parasites are causing hazards in both human, and animal health, economic productivity and welfare. This book provides multiple types of questions (MCQs) to test knowledge of veterinary parasitology in an intersting fashion. The MCQ book provides a convenient, useful, and current source of information to anyone interested in learning, revising and assessing their knowledge in parasitology. The MCQ question bank has been written in a well structured format that a student can get a boost of preparation for any competetive examination like ARS, NET, PG entrance, UPSC, and also State Civil Service examinations. The most important key features: Covers the most important parasites and related diseases in a concise manner. Questions also address parasite biology, epidemiology, diagnostics, treatment and managemen in relation to animal health, and productivity. Includes key zoonotic parasites and its great impact on human health.
Dr. Tanmoy Rana Department of Veterinary Clinical Complex West Bengal University of Animal & Fishery Sciences 37, K.B. Sarani, Kolkata-700037, India.
Dr. Vivek Agrawal Department of Veterinary Parasitology College of Veterinary Sciences & Animal Husbandry NDVSU, Mhow, Indore-453 331, M.P., India.
Section 1: General Aspects of Veterinary Parasitology
1. General Introduction of Parasitology................................................1 Dhivya Bhoopathy and Tanmoy Rana
2. Epidemiology and Public Health Importance of Parasites ..........21 Manaswini Dehuri
3. Immunity and Host Resistance to Parasites...................................39 Manaswini Dehuri and Tanmoy Rana
4. Treamatodes/ Flatworms .................................................................53 A. Latchumikanthan, M.K. Vijayasarathi and R. Velusamy
5. Cestodes...............................................................................................67 Pankaj Kumar and Anil Kumar
6. Nematodes ..........................................................................................83 Ravi Kumar Khare, Alok Kumar Dixit, Pooja Dixit and Alok Kumar Singh
7. Protozoa.............................................................................................107 P. Ramadevi and K. Srinivasa Rao
8. Insects.................................................................................................133 Pankaj Kumar, Anil Kumar and R.K. Sharma
9. Ticks and Mites.................................................................................147 Pankaj Kumar, Anil Kumar and Ankesh Kumar
10. Laboratory Diagnosis of Parasitism ..............................................159 Bhupamani Das, Sivajothi Srigireddy, Abhinav Suthar and Bhavanam Sudhakara Reddy
11. Antiparasitic Drugs..........................................................................179 Prem Sagar Maurya, Kaushlendra Singh and Binod Kumar
12. Anthelmintic Resistance in Livestock Parasites...........................205 Sreenivasamurthy G.S.
13. Prevention and Control of Parasites..............................................237 Manaswini Dehuri and B. Deepika
Section 2: Parasites in Animals
14. Parasites of Cattle.............................................................................259 Jitendra Tiwari, Sonika Verma and Mukesh Srivastava
15. Parasites of Goats and Sheep..........................................................281 P. Ramadevi, K. Srinivasa Rao and K. Manoj Kumar
16. Parasites of Horse.............................................................................311 Bhupamani Das, Ayushi Nair, Abhinav Suthar and Niral Patel
17. Parasites of Pigs ................................................................................329 Dhivya Bhoopathy
18. Parasitic Diseases in Dogs and Cats ..............................................349 Chetan Kumar, G.K., Nethra, R. and Sagar R.S.
19. Parasites of Poultry and Pet Birds..................................................371 Ganesh K. Sawale and G.P. Bharkad
20. Parasites of Laboratory Animals....................................................391 Ganesh K. Sawale and G.P. Bharkad
21. Parasites of Exotic Animals.............................................................427 Bhupamani Das, Bhavanam Sudhakara Reddy, S. Sivajothi and K. Swetha
22. Parasites of Ungulates .....................................................................445 V. Gnani Charitha and J. Adeppa
23. Parasites of Wildlife .........................................................................467 V. Gnani Charitha and D. Srikala
24. Parasitic Zoonoses in Veterinary Importance ..............................485 Pankaj Kumar, Anil Kumar and Sonam Bhatt
25. Food-borne Parasitic Zoonosis .......................................................499 Bhupamani Das, Sivajothi Srigireddy, Abhinav Suthar and Bhavanam Sudhakara Reddy