Production Potential and Processing of Cashew A Reference Book in Bharat

Production Potential and Processing of Cashew A Reference Book in Bharat

by S. V. Patil, V. P. Singh, Mohammed Farooq elt all.
  • ISBN: 9789395700986
  • Binding: Hardbound
  • Year: 2024
  • Language: English
PRICE:  US $ 80.00
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The book on “Production Potential and Processing of Cashew” offers a comprehensive knowledge to the graduates and post-graduates in the field of Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry and Allied sciences. The cashew provides an important role in enhancing economy and livelihood of export commodity listed among category of plantation crops of India. The newly improved varieties in cashew and updated insights on production technology, pest management techniques and processing technology of cashew are the basic aspects for achieving better and export quality cashew kernels in the country. This book covers topics on importance, botany, improved recent varieties in cashew, propagation management, nutrient management, training and pruning, intercultural and mixed cropping, top working, harvesting and processing technology and important cashew processing industries in India. This book is the outcome of the inner zeal of authors to provide required information in the form of this meaningful book which can be referred by the students, researchers, scientific community and farmers fraternity and extension workers.

Dr. Sangappa V. Patil, DEAN, College of Horticulture, Bidar was born on 01 June, 1969 in Gulbarga District, Karnataka, India. He obtained his B.Sc. (Agri.) degree from College of Agriculture, Raichur during the year 1991, M.Sc. (Agri.) in Agronomy from UAS, Dharwad during the year 1994, Ph.D. in Agronomy from UAS, Dharwad during the year 2011 and PGDAEM from MANAGE, Hyderabad during the year 2014 with good academic records. He has undergone international training on potato for a period of 10 weeks in IAC, Wageningen, Netherland during the year 2003. He has also undergone MASHAV, international course on “Agro Ecological Approaches for Sustainable Intensive Agriculture” at MATC, Hotel Kibbutz Shefayim- 6099000, Israel from 21st October, 2018 to 09th November, 2018. He has attended international conference on Global Initiatives for Sustainable Development: Issues and Strategies from June 23-27, 2019 at Bangkok, Thailand and gave a guest lecture as an invitee on ‘Importance of Water use in Sustainable Organic Agriculture’. He has in credit to attend training on “Innovative pedagogical designs to augment entrepreneurial competency and employability under NAHEPIDP” during 30 January, 2023 to 14 February, 2023 at Tampere University, Finland. He has an experience for over 29 years in teaching, research and extension. He has published about 78 scientific full length papers in national and international Journals as author/co-author, about 32 papers presented in national and international symposium as author/co-author and 9 books. Eighteen technologies have been released as Co-principal Investigator in package of practice book of UAS, Bangalore and UHS, Bagalkot. He has been awarded in the year 2005: Best Farm Superintendent Award, UAS, Bangalore. In 2011: Fellow of Hind Agri-horticultural Society (FHAS), Hind Agri-horticultural Society, Muzaffarnagar (UP). In 2014: Best Agricultural Scientist, Shree Lingaraj Vividoddesh Sasanshte (R), Bharatinagar, Dharwad. In 2015: Outstanding Faculty in Agronomy, Venus International Foundation, Centre for Advanced Research and Design, Chennai. In 2017: Dr.S.B.Dandin Best Extension Scientist Award, UHS, Bagalkot. In 2018: SCIRE Recognition Agronomist, SCIRE Science Society, Kerala. In 2019, obtained: Distinguished Scientist Award, Gochar Educational and Welfare Society (R), Saharanapur (UP), India. In 2022, he obtained Kalyan Karnataka Ratna Award from Shikshan Vignana Mas Patrikey, Karnataka. In 2023, received Best Academician Award from ISAHRD and Just Agriculture Education Group, Chandigargh for his achievements in the field of Research, Extension and Teaching in the career. 

Dr. Veerendra Pratap Singh, Assistant Professor, working at College of Horticulture, Bidar was born on 05 July, 1977 in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India. He has completed B.Sc. (Agri.) from Narendra Dev University of Agricultural and Technology, Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh during the year 1998, M.Sc. (Horti.) in Plantation crops from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru in year 2001 and Ph.D. in Horticulture from Chaudhari Charan Singh University, Meerut (UP) during the year 2012 with academic records. He has done PGDEM-MAP from National Institute of Export Management, Chennai during the year 2001 and PGDHRM from Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu in the year 2019. He has an experience of 11 years in teaching, research and extension. He has got in credit about 40 scientific full length papers in national and international journals as author/co-author about 10 papers presented in national and international symposium as authors/ co-author and authored 3 books. He is involved as Principal Investigator and Co-principal Investigator in various projects funded by national funding agencies. He is credited to guide 04 Post-graduate students and 01 Ph.D. student and developed technology included in package of Practice book published by UHS, Bagalkot. He attended the Global Congress & Expo on Food & Agriculture 18th-20th November, 2019, Dubai, UAE and received best oral presentation award on presenting paper “Phyllanthus amarus: Natural approach to human health and its production sustainability through integrated nutrient management”. In 2021, received National Award of Excellence 2021-Adarsh Vidya Saraswati Rashtriya Puraskar and The Best Teacher Award from Global Management Council, Ahmedabad, India. He attended the World Congress on Medicinal Plants & Natural Products Research, Surabaya, Indonesia during 12th September, 2022. He has also credit of receiving Young Scientist Award from ISAHRD, Chandigarh and Just Agriculture Education Group during the year 2023.

Dr. Mohammed Farooq, Professor and Head, Department of PSMA, College of Horticulture, Bidar was born on 10 November, 1968 in Bidar District, Karnataka, India. He obtained his B.Sc. (Agri.) degree from College of Agriculture, Raichur during the year 1990, M.Sc. (Agri) in Horticulture from UAS, Dharwad during the year 1994, Ph.D. in Horticulture from UAS, Dharwad during the year 2014 and PGD-IPR from Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu during the year 2015 with good academic records. He has an experience of over 27 years in teaching, research and extension. He has published about 25 scientific full length papers in national and international journals as author/co-author, about 5 papers presented in national and international symposium as author/co-author and 2 books, 4 papers presented in national and international symposium as authors/co-author. 2 technologies have been released as principal and 4 as co-principal investigator in package of practice book of UHS, Bagalkot. He has been awarded “Outstanding Scientist Award-2017” by International Journal of Tropical Agriculture and Serials Publication Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India. He is involved as Principal Investigator and Co-principal Investigator in various projects funded by national funding agencies. He is credited to guide 06 post-graduate students and 01 Ph.D. student of UHS, Bagalkot.

Dr. Anand G Patil, Professor and Head, Department of NRM, College of Horticulture, Bidar was born on 22 July, 1977 in Bagalkot District, Karnataka, India. He obtained his B.Sc. (Agri.) degree from College of Agriculture, Vijayapur during the year 1999, M.Sc. (Agri.) in Agronomy from UAS, Dharwad during the year 2002, Ph.D. in Agronomy from UAS, Raichur during the year 2016 and PGDHRM from Karnataka Open University during the 2009, PGDIPR from Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu during the year 2015 with good academic records. He has attended 3rd International Conference on sustainable development initiatives in South-East Asia from November 07-08, 2022 at Kathmandu, Nepal. He has published about 36 scientific full length papers in national and international Journals as author/co-author, about 27 papers presented in national and international symposium as author/co-author and 8 books. 3 technologies have been released as Principal Investigator in package of practice book of UHS, Bagalkot. He has been awarded in the year 2011: Basava Jyoti Award, Basaveshwar Karmaveer Kala Sahitya Samskruti Vedike, Aheri. In 2012: Basava Ratna Award, Basaveshwar Karmaveer Kala Sahitya Samskruti Vedike, Aheri. In 2013: Basava Jyoti Award, Basaveshwar Karmaveer Kala Sahitya Samskruti Vedike, Aheri. In 2016: University gold medal, UAS, Raichur. In 2022: Distinguished Scientist Award (international), Gochar Educational and Welfare Society, Saharanpur (UP), India. In 2022: Excellence in Teaching Award, Malla Reddy University, Hyderabad and ISAHRD, Chandigarh.

1. Introduction ..........................................................................................1

2. The Importance of Cashew ................................................................5

3. Origin and Distribution of Cashew ...................................................7

4. Botany of Cashew ..............................................................................11

5. Soil and Climatic Requirements ......................................................13

6. Cashew Varieties ...............................................................................15

7. Preparation of Land and Planting ...................................................23

8. Propagation and Nursery Management ........................................27

9. Nutrient Management ......................................................................35

10. Irrigation Management .....................................................................41

11. Training, Pruning and Top Working ..............................................47

12. Intercropping and Mixed Cropping................................................53

13. Pest and Disease Management ........................................................59

14. Harvesting and Processing in Cashew ...........................................65

References ...........................................................................................83

Appendix-I ..........................................................................................87